Finding Balance: A Letter to Ambitious Women Leaders | MyFreewell
Are you an ambitious woman in business struggling to balance drive with inner peace? This open letter speaks to leaders, entrepreneurs, and professionals who seek both success and stillness in their careers. Learn how to embrace your authentic leadership style while maintaining the quiet moments that fuel your creativity and purpose.
Read my full Open Letter to Ambitious & Stillness Seeking Women in Business below – here’s to progress and peace!
Dear Ambitious and Stillness Seeking,
Being Ambitious and Stillness Seeking In Business is about embracing your life, your evolution, and alignment to your values.
We deeply feel the brevity of life and want to make sure we are prioritizing the things that are most important and meaningful to us.
The Ambitious & Stillness Seeker In Business asks:
“How do I want to live? Work?What will create the most meaningful impact with actual results? What shifts can I make to integrate more of the things that give me a greater sense of Self, while still advancing in this world and in my career, the way I would like to?
We are everywhere, from solopreneurs, to leaders and among teams of mid to high level organizations, and in between.
No matter where we are, we long to connect our purpose, our true nature, and values to our life, all facets of it.
When aligned, equipped and empowered we lead a little differently and to some, we may not fit the typical leader mold. But rest assured, when our work and efforts are rooted in deep meaning there is no stopping us.
We are still, while still ambitious.
We long to figure out how to feel that stillness, while still moving and reaching our ambitions.
We can be in our head, while still generating a great deal of impact.
We seek stillness, and we seek reaching our ambitions.
While we can be more introverted, we can rise to more extroverted characteristics when an occasion, linked to our ambitions and sense of purpose, calls for it.
Stillness is that place we feel connected, charged, and recharged. It is where we find that expansiveness that allows us to feed and achieve our ambitions.
Stillness is where clarity, comfort, and creativity are most often felt and found for us. Whether through music, meditation, a quiet room or a bustling coffee shop where we sit with our cup and work among the crowd – these are the moments we find stillness.
These still moments are imperative to our being, succeeding, not burning out but rather maintaining a steady, brightly burning flame with the most subtle of nuances that makes you lean in and watch a little closer.
It’s not about working harder, it’s about truly living life and working the way we envision, fully alive and maximizing our time, our joy, and our personal definition of success.
While we like quiet, we also like meaningful noise.
While we long for the days of landlines, we are grateful for the ability to summon our favorite authors, music, and podcasts in our ears within seconds of needing them.
While we have great ambitions we intend on reaching …we meet expectations like “hustle” at the door, and have to replace them with intentional effort that creates impact and preserves resources.
While we love and appreciate looking deeply, we want results and impact in our work.
Ambitious & Stillness Seekers In Business want and must have that feeling of spaciousness within their lives, a sense of rightness in order to feel like and be their best selves.
When we are less aligned and feel less of that spaciousness, we can experience intense feelings of longing, restlessness, a yearning to figure it out and make the changes we carry in our hearts. We deeply want (and need to) feel a sense of connection and purpose to daily life, our tasks, and the results we seek.
Our autonomy to lead aligned to our own true nature, emboldens our sense of Self, our confidence, and the impact we can have in our work and personal lives.
With an emboldened Self, we experience less looking to outside sources, people, and plans – less comparison cycles and more grounded action. Less reactiveness, more responsiveness.
We value simplicity, creativity, curiosity, self-awareness, recharge moments – and tangible results and impact.
Ambitious & Stillness Seekers in Business recognize the importance of their imperfections and vulnerability as being key to living their lives on their terms and moving through vs moving around.
We take an active, participatory role in our lives so we can rise to the occasions and live out our ambitions.
The Ambitious and Stillness Seeker realizes that alignment is key to their ability to thrive.
Here’s to being ambitious and stillness-seeking,
A business and leadership mastermind for women who want to reach their goals and keep their peace.
Are you a female leader, business owner, or entrepreneur who asks:
- How can I reach the goals and ambitions I have for my career while not sacrificing my sense of peace?
- How can I take my strength for meaning and depth and translate that to action, results, and impact in my work and career in a timely manner?
- What will create the most meaningful (and effective) impact?
- What would it be like to be among a close-knit group of other women (10 max, ongoing relationships) all working on their growth and development while supporting one another? How could those consistent relationships, energy, and accountability elevate me?
Seeking Progress
having a strong desire and determination to succeed, move the needle, create impact, see results
Seeking Peace
having a strong desire for stillness, spaciousness, calmness, being untroubled
Progress & Peace Members
holders of a deep desire and determination to do meaningful work creating real impact AND results WITH an equal desire, determination, (and need) for spaciousness, calmness, alignment
One of the greatest gifts a woman can have is a powerful community that has her back where she can feel seen, heard, understood and empowered.

Whenever You’re Ready Here Are 4 Ways I Could Help:
Hi, I’m Dina, thanks for being here and I hope this was helpful for you! I am an independent coach, consultant and ethnographer by training – strategic thinker, adept connector, with an insatiable curiosity and commitment to learn.
*please note: I accept both employer developmental programs or out-of-pocket payments by clients
#1 | Individual Coaching: Looking to grow and advance in new ways professionally and or personally, I help you get to where you want to go and make the changes you seek with a customized path. With proven methods, actionable strategies distilled for you combining my expertise in behavioral and org science, innovation, and integrative and holistic practices. Learn more about individual coaching and what that could look like for you with a complementary strategy session. Coaching is often covered by employer development programs. About all services here – or take a look at testimonials and what others had to say.
#2 | Mastermind for Women: Learn more about the Progress & Peace Mastermind for female entrepreneurs and leaders.
#3 | Workshops / Speaking Engagements: Provide not just an experience, but one that will be useful. Interested, schedule a strategy call to discuss. Workshops can include the following (but are not limited to as I can work with you to customize around your group’s needs):
- Maximize the Enneagram for Your Business: The number one predictor of success and great leadership is self-awareness. In this workshop I guide you through the enneagram and how you, and those around you, can use it to reach greater success and alignment. Work environments come with different types of people, nuances, and approaches – which can be a great strength of any team and business with a high level of self and team awareness and how all can build upon the other.
- Aligned Life Strategic Planning Workshop: gain clarity, momentum, and time back as you learn about key strategies, reframes, and tools to achieve greater alignment while immediately putting it all to work for you with guidance in real time! Be prepared to up-level the way you plan and the way you think and live out being in true alignment!
#4 | Leadership 360 (for you / someone you mentor): rooted in stakeholder based coaching, this 360 service provides powerful feedback to leaders (of any level) that will help them understand what they are doing well and where they have opportunities to grow. By sourcing feedback from multiple perspectives, the 360 evaluation provides tremendous value and creates a comprehensive picture. This is thorough feedback based on 5 to 7, 30-minute stakeholder interviews summarized into a comprehensive report that helps you see strengths and growth areas. Includes interviews, reporting, debrief of report findings, and concrete “go forward” developmental plan for growth trajectory. Email dina@myfreewell or schedule a strategy session to learn more and align on needs.
Hi, I’m Dina, thanks for being here and I hope this was helpful for you! I am an independent coach, consultant and ethnographer by training – strategic thinker, adept connector, with an insatiable curiosity and commitment to learn. With 16 years of experience spanning consulting, market and behavioral research, facilitation, coaching, brand and innovation work with a variety of clients from one-on-one, small teams and businesses, to Fortune 500 companies like Procter & Gamble, Gap Inc, & Kraft – I love helping individuals and teams get to where they want to go.
My approach is integrative and combines behavioral and org science with innovation, branding, and holistic practices. I own and operate two small businesses. I hold a Master’s in Organizational Diagnosis & Intervention and behavioral study, am a Certified Five Capitals Business & Leadership Coach, and a Certified Integrative Health and Nutrition Coach.
having a strong desire and determination to succeed
Stillness Seeker
having a strong desire for serenity, spaciousness, calmness, quiet
Ambitious & Stillness Seeker in Business
holder of a deep desire and determination to do meaningful work creating real impact AND results WITH an equal desire, determination, (and need) for spaciousness, calmness, quiet, alignment